
Are you alive or are you LIVING?

The freedom to truly be yourself comes by living with no fear: no fear of what they’ll think, no fear of missing out, no fear of doing what you want.

We are Hillary & Dustin, we live by this mindset, and we design jewelry for people who do too.

Our pieces are made to last through all the days and occasions life offers, and we want to evoke fearless adventuring and relishing small precious moments in these times.

Photo by Hillary Sutton

I fell in love with semi-fine jewelry early. My mom wore stacks of silver bracelets and rings she collected as souvenirs, all clanking and making her presence known.

I wanted a collection of my own, so I spent Saturday mornings watching QVC instead of cartoons and scanned the mail-in catalogs, but was uninspired by the boring, cookie-cutter pieces I saw too often.

I started making my own jewelry with embroidery thread and then moved on to semi-precious beads and wire.

When I learned how to wield fire, I was enthralled that I could finally make jewelry that inspires me to feel free and make my own presence known.


Photo by Kate Roberson

Dustin joined me in making our very first rings in 2015, and after that we learned all we know together.

We took our craft on the road and made jewelry in a mini trailer studio we towed on the back of our Tacoma that we lived in for a year and a half. We traveled all over the US and met cool people, had wild adventures and experienced life like we never had before. We’ve traded our jewelry for tattoos, food, art, surf lessons, other maker’s jewelry, and good old fashioned gas money :}

Taking a leap to make jewelry and dropping everything in our lives to travel has enriched us in countless ways, and they’ve been some of the most treasured decisions we’ve made.

Trying new things is our passion and makes us feel alive and well.

Photo by Preston Hubka 

Life is short; why not experience it in fun jewelry that will last through it all and that’s made by people who have a good time creating it? 

If you’re in the mood to try something new, explore our pieces in our shop and have fun  

Art by Emily Frobos